WHO Poll

Darlo Debs 2:06 Fri Sep 15
WHO'S own room.101
A place to.list your 3 most hated things

No.politics please....can include anything else though.

After..much consideration mine are;

IVR based telephone systems
Half & Half football scarves

Go ahead and vent your spleen

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Willtell 7:15 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
UFO videos


WHO's slow file server...

Hello Mrs. Jones 7:09 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Fig Rolls
The French
Anyone that lines up for boarding their flight more that 45 minutes before departure.

WHU(Exeter) 6:59 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
People who walk up and down train carriage aisles, looking for their reserved seat, often punctuated by asking people to move, only hold on, they've got the seat number/carriage all wrong. For 20 minutes. HOW FUCKING DIFFICULT CAN THIS BE

People on very busy pavements, who all of a sudden start walking backwards a few paces, with no regard whatsoever to who/what might be behind them.

Companies who bang on about global footprint, when in truth they don't give a shot about it, just pass on the costs associated with pretending they do

Stickleback 5:13 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Motorcyclists who undertake.

Roundabouts with traffic lights.

People who think that the 8th letter of the alphabet is pronounced 'haitch'.

eusebiovic 3:22 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
People who complain about everything and everyone but are always first in the queue to conform and nosh off everything and everyone

Half Socks - the ones that stop at your ankles.

Those synthetic plastic sandals with the velcro that fucking stink when the temperature goes over 20c. Often used in conjunction with half socks.

Petite Bourgeoise simpletons who wax lyrical about foreign food as if no immigrant was ever brought up eating exactly the same fucking thing - more often than not better than anything they have ever tasted.

Sociopaths with no social skills or sense of reasonableness. The concept of good manners are anathema to them. Also a nightmare to work with.

Dogs that are smaller than a cat. What's the point? The poor mites can't even breathe properly. Stop breeding them. Even better stop breeders breeding. There's an idea 💡

Pub Bigot 3:22 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
1. People who love to talk politics at every turn. Have a day off your tedious cunts.

2. Reception Nazi’s at any doctor surgery in the UK. Adam Rowe does a wonderful skit on this.

3. Plan travel for us schmucks who have to fly economy. Fuck me is it uncomfortable.

Sarge 3:13 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
People with trolley cases on escalators who don't realise the carnage they cause at the top / bottom by stopping to extend the handle the second they set off.

Mrs Browns Boys


Jasnik 2:59 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
dog owners
People who say he is just trying to be friendly.

BRANDED 1:34 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Having a wank but the cat comes in ( so to speak)

Anal sex in pornography

Birds who say they only have sex after their fifth date.

The Mercernary 1:22 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Anyone who hates Star Wars (Pee Wee, in you go!)

Bexley Ironworks 1:03 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Cold calling - human or automated

Access to online accounts - more specifically, trying to remember the current iteration to a previously amended password.


Hammer I am 12:32 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101

People that love to tell you they don't watch MSM but get all their information from Tik Tok

Social Media trends .

People that proudly tell you they dont have a TV as a statement how interesting they are, but then you find out they have Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Now TV etc on their laptop

legrandefromage 12:30 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
People who type 'anyone that' instead of 'anyone who'

Darlo Debs 12:29 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Nurse Ratchec 11.52

People who deliberately modify their car/motorbike engine to make them louder (Room 101 does include a torture option, right?)

He'll.yeah you get the cattle prod I'll bring a westlife album

RM10 12:26 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Smokers and vapers having to inhale their shit out their mouths

Pee Wee 12:22 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Take that and shove it where you pee from Goose

Pee Wee 12:21 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Formula 1,
Star Wars,
Star Trek,
Fat people inappropriately dressed - I mean, fat people in general, but if you are going to be gross at least have the decency to be ashamed of it and cover yourself with loose clothing.
Liverpool. The city, the club, the people
Speed bumps that don’t cover the whole width of road
Woman who swear
Littering - especially smokers with their fag butts
Camp men
Doctors receptionists
The VAT man
Sam Allardyce and anyone that values his opinion.
Double cuff shirts

goose 12:19 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
people who are asked to list 3 things and then give you 4 things.

Swiss. 12:13 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Mobile Phone zombies
Heavy Metal
Reality TV
Carling Black Label

Westside 12:13 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
Self entitled road users who think the laws don't apply to them, who then whinge when reported/prosecuted. I also include those who think pavements are roads, within that.

People/pundits who say the referee/umpire's decision in sport was harsh. It's not harsh, it's right or wrong. Just say which.


Sxboy_66 12:04 Fri Sep 15
Re: WHO'S own room.101
1. Religion, all of it.
2. Trans ideology
3. The instant gratification generation.

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